Saturday, May 17, 2014

Bear Creek Spring Count 5/17/14

It was a wonderful day for birding in Bear Creek Park.  Weather was not hot, and it was birdy in the area I was asked to lead from the Dog Park to the Tennis Courts area.  My favorite birds of the day included Band-tailed Pigeons, Cooper's Hawks, American Kestrels, Wilson's Warbler, Green-tailed Towhee, lots of Chipping Sparrows, etc.  I think the total species count will be one of the higher ones for the history of the count once all the results are tallied.  I had one life-bird for the day - Black and White Warbler.  I didn't have time to take many photos today (only 4, none of birds), but saw lots of nice birds.  After the count, went to my niece's graduation party in Palmer Lake - the day continued to be very lovely there and could hear frogs singing in the pond near her grandparents' place.
The morning started out with low clouds like it might rain, but they burned off.

The last of the clouds on their way out.

A house next to the park has a wonderful pet!

We watched this adventurous person coming down verrrry slowly - he seems to be floating in updrafts at times.

Black and White Warbler - (no, I didn't take this photo).

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