Saturday, January 20, 2018

Abe 1-20-18

Cheyenne Mountain State Park 1-20-18


My neighbor's dogs - they get excited whenever I pull in my driveway by their yard.

In my yard. 

Saturday, January 13, 2018

FCNC Winter Bird Count 1-13-18


This bird count was a lot of fun.  Nice weather and big turnout.  Covered area 5 as usual - we enjoyed watching Ring-billed Gulls catching fish in the little pond at the park - and there was a nice variety of ducks there, including the Common Goldeneye pictured below.  At the end of the count we came across a huge flock of Pine Siskins, American Goldfinches, and Juncos and the Rough-legged Hawk pictured below also. 


Common Goldeneye

Rough-legged Hawk