Thursday, June 17, 2004


Nothing exciting today, really. The nieces and nephew came over again and we did some more caching and they fought about playing computer games on my computer. "It's my turn. Help me! Don't help me! He got to play longer than me! She won't get off and it's my turn now!. I never win. I didn't lose yet so I should get to keep playing." And so on and so on and so on....

Hiker Sam was dropped off at a bug depot because the kids wanted to send him on his way, and he's already been picked up by folks on their way to Idaho and Montana. Yesterday's blog has a link to his webpage if you want to track his travels. I got some travel bug ID's in the mail today so I can make my own travel bugs - four of them. So one day soon, hopefully, I'll get my own travellers ready to hit the road on an adventure.

Derek and Heather and I are planning a garage sale theoretically for next weekend at his house (gets more street traffic than mine). Looking forward to it - I think it could be fun, but it is a bit stressful trying to set something up so it goes well. Then I think another weekend we need to do the Renaissance Festival thing again. :) Mom and I go every year, usually.

Other plannings, trying to work out plans for a vacation for mom and dad that I get to tag along with them on. Probably Four Corners as that has been one of our favorite areas in previous trips, but we'll see. And, my union is gearing up for a trip to a conference in Copper Mountain the last week of July. I enjoy fully-paid conferences via CSEA (the union). Sure, we do lots of work but it is neat to go other places. Last summer, I went to the NEA Representative Assembly in New Orleans for the union. What a great trip! New Orleans is a unique city and even though most of the days were busy with meetings, what I was able to see in New Orleans was amazing. I took the late-night Vampire tour in the French Quarter (we stayed on the edge of the French Quarter on Canal and Chartier). Toured a plantation home. Toured the above-ground graveyards, etc. Ate lots of VERY good food. Then, later that summer when I watched Runaway Jury, almost every scene in the movie that took place on a street somewhere, I could say, "I've been there, I saw that!" Even the restaurants, not the one the jury ate at, I think, but the one where the girl meets Gene Hackman and another one that John Cusack runs through quickly - Court of the Seven Sisters - we ate at those restaurants. That was cool, because rarely do I see a movie that I've actually personally seen the places in it.

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