Thursday, March 01, 2012

#Birdaday February 2012 Colorado Springs

For February, I participated in the Audubon Society's #birdaday 'game', in which you try to see a different species of bird each day of the month.  I succeeded, I think, but it was close. :)  I don't want to do that every month - it is a little bit stressful trying to get a new bird sometimes!

Here is my birdaday  list for February, followed by what species I I.D.'d on each day.

February 1 - American Robin
February 2 - Rock Pigeon
February 3 - Canada Goose
February 4 - Eurasian Collared Dove
February 5 - Dark-eyed Junco
February 6 - Common Goldeneye
February 7 - American Crow
February 8 - Great-Horned Owl
February 9 - American Kestrel
February 10 - Sharp-Shinned Hawk
February 11 - Bald Eagle
February 12 - Harris's Sparrow
February 13 - Ring-Necked Duck*
February 14 - Lesser Scaup*
February 15 - Black-capped Chickadee
February 16 - Magpie
February 17 - Canvasback
February 18 - Northern Harrier
February 19 - Horned Lark*
February 20 - Belted Kingfisher
February 21 - Mallard
February 22 - Old World Sparrow
February 23 - Red-Shafted Flicker
February 24 - Townsend's Solitaire
February 25 - White-Crowned Sparrow
February 26 - Brown Creeper*
February 27 - Say's Phoebe*
February 28 - Red-tailed Hawk
February 29 - European Starling
*Life list bird

I started out rather slow, just noting birds I saw traveling to and from work, plus I had some sick days  and snow days in which I literally just looked out the window to get a sighting but otherwise didn't leave the house.  I occasionally counted audible-only birds if the I.D. was unmistakable.

February 1st - crow, pigeon, robin, red-tail hawk, and starling
February 2nd - crow, pigeon
February 3rd - pigeon, Canada goose, Eurasian Collared dove
February 4 - E.C. Dove
February 5th - Old World Sparrow, Junco, E.C. Dove, R.T. Hawk, Starling, Pigeon, House Finch

February 6th included a visit to FCNC:
O.W. Sparrow, Can. Goose, Robin, Starling, Crow, Magpie, Common Goldeneye, R.T. Hawk, White-breasted Nuthatch, BC Chickadee, Red Wing Blackbird, Mallard, House Finch, Great Blue Heron, American Coot, Hooded Merganser, Green-Winged Teal, Ross's Goose, Shoveler, Common Merganser, Pie-Billed Grebe, Belted Kingfisher, Great-Horned Owl, Townsend's Solitaire, Pigeon, Gull sp.

February 7 - Can. Goose, Crow, E.C. Dove
February 8 - Great Horned Owl, Magpie, R T Hawk, Crow, Pigeon, Starling, OW Sparrow
February 9 - RT Hawk, Robin, Magpie, Mallard, Kestrel, Pigeon, Crow, Can. Goose
February 10 - Sharp-Shinned Hawk, Crow, Pigeon, Robin, OW Sparrow, EC Dove, Mallard

February 11th was the FCNC Waterfowl class - so included observations at FCNC, Prospect Lake, Quail Lake, Doubletree pond, and Big Johnson Reservoir:
Harris's Sparrow, RW Blackbird, Junco, White-Crowned Sparrow, EC Dove, House Finch, Can Goose, GB Heron, Gadwall, Pintail*, Green-winged Teal, Killdeer*, Shoveler, Wigeon, PB Grebe, Coot, Mergansers (both), Crows, possible Prairie Falcon, (muskrat), kestrel, C Goldeneye, Canvasback, domestic goose and duck, ring-necked duck*, Lesser Scaup*, Red-headed Duck*, pigeon, Downy woodpecker, Magpie, Bald Eagle, RT Hawk, Robin, Song Sparrow, Hairy Woodpecker, Flicker, BC Chickadee, Starling

February 12 (includes FCNC) -  Harris's Sparrow, EC Dove, Pigeon, Can Goose, House Finch, RW Blackbird, Junco

February 13  (includes Doubletree) - pigeon, starling, crow, canvasback, ring-neck, can goose, Common merganser, robin, mallard, C Goldeneye, OW Sparrow

February 14 (includes Doubletree) -C Goldeneye, C Merganswer, mallard, Can Goose, Domestics, Canvasback, Shoveler, RT Hawk, Pigeon, EC Dove, Robin, Magpie, Starling, Crow, possible Grackle, Gull sp, House Finch, Flicker, Lesser Scaup

February 15 - BC Chickadee, Pigeon, Crow, Flicker, RT Hawk, Magpie, Robin
February 16 - RT Hawk, BC Chickadee, Robin, Starling, Pigeon, Magpie, Can Goose, Crow
February 17 (includes Doubletree) - BC Chickadee, Robin, Starling, Pigeon, House Finch, Crow, RT Hawk, C Goldeneye, Shoveler, Mallard, Can Goose, H Merganser, Canvasback

February 18 (includes FCNC) - Crow, EC Dove, RW Blackbird, House Finch, flicker, Robin, Canada Goose, Mallard, H Merganser, GB Heron, RT Hawk, Northern Harrier, Shoveler, PB Grebe, Western Meadowlark

February 19 -(includes Big Johnson) Blue Jay, Can Goose, Crow, gull sp., Bald Eagle, C Merganser, RT Hawk, mallard, C Goldeneye, Horned Lark, Redhead, Ringneck, House finch

February 20 (includes FCNC) - Crow, Can Geese, Blue Jay, EC Dove, Starling, Downy, WB Nuthatch, RT Hawk, Song Sparrow, White Crowned Sparrow, B Kingfisher, RW Blackbird, BC Chickadee, Junco, GB Heron, H Merganser, Shoveler, Coot, Gull sp

February 21(includes Doubletree) - pigeon, starling, crow, robin, RT Hawk, Magpie, Can Goose, Mallard, Canvasback, Lesser Scaup, House Finch, possible Grackle, C Goldeneye, domestics

February 22 - Starling, crow, pigeon, OW sparrow, Can Goose
February 23 - crow, EC Dove, House finch, starling, Can Goose, magpie, pigeon, robin, flicker
February 24 - BC Chickadee, Crow, EC Dove, Starling, pigeon, robin, Townsend's Solitaire, RT Hawk
February 25 (includes FCNC) - RW Blackbird, house finch, BC Chickadee, starling, OW Sparrow, B Kingfisher, Downy, Can Goose, C Merganser, Shoveler, pigeon, Flicker, WC Sparrow, Song Sparrow, robin, mallard and poss mall/mex, GB heron, wigeon, PB Grebe, GW Teal, H Merganser, N Harrier, Junco, Gadwall, RT Hawk

February 26 (includes FCNC) - RW Blackbird, crow, housefinch, H Merganser, C Geese, pigeon, coot, flicker, BC Chickadee, Kingfisher, Mallard, Brown Creeper*, Downy, RT Hawk, American Tree Sparrow*

February 27 - RT Hawk, robin, magpie, crow, EC dove, starling, pigeon, house finch, Can. Goose, Say's Phoebe*

February 28 - crow, house finch, robin, EC dove, Can Goose, Starling, Pigeon, RT Hawk
February 29 -robin, starling, crow, ec dove, pigeon, magpie, RT hawk

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