Saturday, May 11, 2013

Birds this week 5/11/13

New bird of the day: Virginia's Warbler at FCNC on the spring count.  Also Greater Yellowlegs - not sure if I had that before without looking it up.  Great bird at the count:  Summer Tanager.

At the count we didn't see any Western Tangers in the area we covered (area 5).  But I take mom home and see one in her neighbors yard, and then I just saw one in my yard!  Also had a few other great yard or neighbor's yards birds this week:  American Goldfinches, Yellow-rumped Warblers and Sharp-shinned Hawk.

Also here are some pictures from Big Johnson - the baby Eagles, owls and some Vultures on the ground eating, etc.

Bald Eagle mom or dad - other one was about 500 yd away.

GHO babies

Bald Eagle chick


Western Tanger in MY yard. :)

Sharp-shinned hawk in the neighborhood
Turkey Vultures on the ground at Big Johnson

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