Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Manitou Lake 7-31 and Lincoln Mountain 8-1

Kite at home 

White Pelican on Manitou Lake

American Goldfinch

Yellow Warbler

American Dipper

Cordilleran Flycatcher

Western Tanager

Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel

picnic time

Steller's Jay

White Gilia at Lincoln Mountain

stuff in a geocache

Cherry Creek


two colors

Prickly Poppy

a geocache in its native habitat

two colors - knapweed

matching camo

a little mud on the trail

nice view

Spidey, Bear, Eminem and Sherlock visiting a geocache

Found a 719 rock on Dewey Hill

1 comment:

TanjaB said...

I particularly love the Pelican in flight and the Dipper sequence. :-)