Saturday, January 12, 2008

40 hadith Azadari; Ya Imam Zaman (as), Ya Imam (as) - last two are Ali Safdar I think.

The following is the commentary posted with the 2nd video at YouTube. I haven't reproduced all the links - click the YouTube or title link to see the original if you wish to follow the links.

A Nauha (Elegy -- which means a poem of mourning, a reflection on the death of someone or on a sorrow generally) about the tragedies which befell Imam Hussain, his Family and His Companions, in what is known as the Battle of Kerbala, which took place on the 10th of Muharram, known as the Day of Ashura.

Recitation of Elegies to remind oneself of a certain tragedy was the practice of the Prophets and the Sahaba:

On one side of the battlefield of Karbala, stood Imam Hussain (AS), who was raised in the house of the Prophet (SAWS) along with his family members and companions. On the other side stood the forces of Yazid, a tyrant claiming to be the representative of the Prophet (SAWS), the ruler of the Islamic Ummah, and furthermore, claiming to be the "Khalifat Allah," or the Vicegerent of God on Earth. On whose side would YOU stand on?

Articles on the Revolution, and the Everlasting Stand of Imam Hussain:

Imam Hussain, the Sacrifice for Mankind:

Sunni View of the Tyrant Yazid:


The Followers and the Lovers of the Ahlulbait cry in the memory of Imam Hussain, for:

1- The Imams of Ahlul-Bayt cried for him;
2- We love him more than we love our fathers and our dear ones;
3- He is a Symbol of resistance against tyranny and the leader of the Martyrs for us;
4- We want to swear allegiance to him and his path and keep aloof from their enemies;
5- His aims have not been fully achieved and his blood has not been revenged yet. As such, we keep this event with all its emotion alive until such time that Imam Mahdi (AS) appears who will cleanse the surface of the Earth form all such tyrants;
6- Condolence to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HF) and the members of Ahlul- Bayt;
7- Abiding the instruction of Ahlul-Bayt in remembering this event and seeking the reward associated with it

The emotion of Crying can be found in the Quran, and was done by Many of the Messengers and Sahaba


The act of Chest Beating (Maatam) as a sign of grief can be found in the Holy Quran, Hadith and the Injil

[The Quran] In the Holy Quran, Chapter 51 we read that Lady Sara [Wife of Prophet Ibrahim] struck her face when she was told that she would conceive a baby:

"Then came forward his wife in grief, she smote her face and said (what! I) An old barren woman?" Quran 51:29
[Smote means to deliver or deal (a blow, hit, etc.) by striking hard]

The slapping of Prophet Ibraheem's wife Sara is proven from the Qur'an. The Qur'an does not condemn her actions, but tells us to adhere to the ways of the people of Ibraheem (as) When the Shia, or Lovers of Ahlulbait here the calamities and tragedies which befell them, theycannot help but get the same emotions which Lady Sara had.

[The Sahaba] The most explicit proof of self-inflicted injury comes from Owais al-Qarni the great Muslim Sahabi, praised by both Shi'a and Sunni erudite. He had an immense love for the Holy Prophet (s). When the news reached him in Yemen that two teeth of the Holy Prophet (s) were broken in the battle of Ohad, he extracted all his teeth. When the Holy Prophet (s) got the news in Medina that Owais had struck down all his teeth, he (s) exclaimed, "Indeed Owais is our devoted friend"

For more Hadith and Historical Narrations of Messengers and Sahaba lamenting, visit:

[The Bible/"Injil"] Isaiah 22:12 - shows that this type of mourning was ordained by God
"On that Day the Lord called for weeping and beating the breast, shaving the head and putting on sack cloth"

"You are now at ease, be anxious; tremble, you who have no cares. Strip yourselves bare; put a cloth round your waists and beat yourselves" [The Bible, Isaiah 32:11]

"Howl, Heshbon, for Ai is despoiled. Cry aloud you villages round Rabbath Ammon, put on sack cloth and beat your breast and score your body with gashes" [The Bible, Jeremiah 49:3]

"The crowd that had assembled for the spectacle, when they saw what had happened went home beating their breasts" [The Bible, Luke 23:48]

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