Friday, June 29, 2012

Waldo Canyon Fire

I decided not to memorialize with gratuitous pictures of destroyed homes.  But this was a week Colorado Springs will not soon forget.

I drove up Ute Pass on 7/5/12.  The burn area visible from the road doesn't look too bad in most places yet - foliage still standing with wilted/browned leaves.  Fewer areas with scorched earth by the Waldo Canyon Trail.  Up by Pyramid Mountain, however, there is a bad spot that is very blackened and trees are gone or just black poles.

Found this satellite image of the burn area - darker brown is more burnt. Darker red is more 'green'.

This video shows timelapse of the fire from a distance, so does not show burning homes up close.
This video is from CSFD videographer showing the firefighters doing their job in a terrible situation on Tuesday night- does show some homes burning.

His Supplication in Asking for Water during a Drought (Supplication - 19)

O God,
water us with rain,
unfold upon us Thy mercy
through Thy copious rain
from the driven clouds,
so that Thy goodly earth may grow
on all horizons!

Show kindness to Thy servants
through the ripening of the fruit,
revive Thy land
through the blossoming of the flowers,
and let Thy angels - the noble scribes - be witness
to a beneficial watering from Thee,
lasting in its abundance,
plenty in its flow,
heavy, quick, soon,

through which Thou revivest what has vanished,
bringest forth what is coming,
and providest plentiful foods,
through heaped up, wholesome, productive clouds,
in reverberating layers,
the rain's downpour
not without cease,
the lightning's flashes
not without fruit!

O God,
give us water
through rain,
helping, productive, fertilizing,
widespread, plentiful, abundant,
bringing back the risen,
restoring the broken!

O God,
give us water with a watering through which Thou wilt
make the stone hills pour,
fill the cisterns,
flood the rivers,
make the trees grow,
bring down prices in all the lands,
invigorate the beasts and the creatures,
perfect for us the agreeable things of provision,
make grow for us the fields,
let flow for us the teats,
and add for us strength to our strength!

O God,
make not the cloud's shadow over us a burning wind,
allow not its coldness to be cutting,
let not its pouring down upon us be a stoning,
and make not its waters for us bitter! 
O God,
bless Muhammad and his Household
and provide us with the blessings of the heavens and the earth!
Thou art powerful over everything 

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